Professional discipline.
Crucible's barristers are recognised leaders in the field of Professional Discipline, with significant experience of Fitness to Practice, misconduct, health and competence hearings and associated High Court proceedings, across a wide range of professional regulators, including:
- General Medical Council / Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service
- General Dental Council
- General Pharmaceutical Council
- Nursing & Midwifery Council
- Health & Care Professions Council
- Police Misconduct Tribunals
- Social Work England
- Institute of Chartered Accountants England and Wales
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
- Bar Standards Board
- Solicitors Regulatory Authority / Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
- Rugby Football Union
We advise and represent both registrants and regulators, providing high quality advocacy, expertise and sensitivity in each case. Our members are highly regarded for their client focused representation and up to date knowledge of this ever expanding practice area.
Our depth and breadth of knowledge and experience means that Crucible's members are well placed to provide our clients with advice and assistance with associated regulatory, coronial and criminal proceedings.