Andrew Frymann.
What others say:
- "Andrew is a fearless and tenacious advocate. He is adept at thinking on his feet." Crime Legal 500 2025, Tier 2
Practice Profile:
Andrew was called to the Bar in November 1995 and has been busily in practice since April 1996. He defends and prosecutes. He specialises in serious crime, serious and historic sexual offences and complex fraud.
Andrew is an active member of the Criminal Bar Association and South Eastern Circuit. He keeps up-to-date via Criminal Law Week and Crimeline and relevant South Eastern Circuit lectures. He is a qualified Pupil Supervisor. He is technologically adept and a member of the Cybercrime Practitioners Association. He has been and is involved in Child and Vulnerable Witness Advocacy training, having been trained and accredited as a training facilitator by the South Eastern Circuit.
Andrew is also an Inner Temple Advocacy Trainer, teaching at the January 2022 residential weekend training at Wotton House and mock trials at the RCJ from 2022, on going.

Present and recent instructions:
R v JM & three others Instructed for D1 in a conspiracy to murder at the CCC before HHJ Dhir KC
R v RBL & Others – Leading for RBL in gang evidence possession of firearms with intent trial at Kingston Crown Court before HHJ Plaschkes KC. Prosecution team Ian McCloughlin KC and Philip Allman. No verdicts returned by jury; re-trial 2025
R v AK – Leading for AK high volume page count money laundering and unlicensed medicines importation and supply trial at Southwark Crown Court before HHJ Bartle KC. Prosecution team Henrietta Pagett KC and James Gwatkin
R v KK & Others Leading for KK in 4 month high volume page count money laundering and Class A drugs supply trial at Southwark Crown Court.Prosecution team Kevin Dent KC and Gemma Rose
R v TM Instructed to represent TM in murder trial at the Central Criminal Court, led by KC
R v GA - (16 years old) Instructed to represent GA at murder trial at the Inner London Crown Court
R v SM Instructed to represent SM in murder trial at the Central Criminal Court. Sole counsel, acquitted of murder on basis of ‘loss of control’, had pleaded guilty to manslaughter earlier in proceedings - News Link
R v AM & 5 Others Instructed to represent AM in 11 week £120 million Money Service Business/Bureau De Change fraud trial. Leading Junior
R v JA & Others Instructed to represent JA in Encrochat Class A conspiracy 6 week trial
R v OA & 14 Others Instructed to represent OA in £4.65 million pound conspiracy to steal to order and re-identify high value cars trial fixed for 2 months
Notable cases:
R v TM - Murder trial, 27.3.23 – 12.5.23, at the Central Criminal Court, led by KC;
R v GA - (16 years old) Murder trial at the Inner London Crown Court, 6.2.23 – 10.3.23;
R v SM - 13 day murder trial at the Central Criminal Court from 9.1.23. Sole counsel. Acquitted of murder on basis of ‘loss of control’, had pleaded guilty to manslaughter earlier in proceedings. (News Link);
R v OA & Others – 2 month murder trial at the Central Criminal Court, from 12.09.22, led by KC; re-trial November 2023;
R v AY & Others – 2 month firearms murder trial at the Central Criminal Court, from 16.05.22, led KC; conviction based on R v Gnango, appeal being reviewed by Court of Appeal, Criminal Division; R v Issa SEED [2024] EWCA Crim 650
R v SD – 15 day machine gun triple attempted murder trial at the Central Criminal Court, from 7.2.22, Leading Counsel for the first defendant; R v Sheikh DIBBA [2023] EWCA Crim 576;
R v LB & 6 Others – 2 month murder trial at the Central Criminal Court, from 16.8.21, led by KC;
R v SF & Others – 58 day murder trial, from 9.11.2020 at the Central Criminal Court, acquitted, led by KC;
R v EJ & Another – 4 week murder trial at Central Criminal Court from 8.9.2020, acquitted, led by KC;
R v CM & 3 Others – Murder - G plea to assisting an offender, led by KC;
R v KA & 5 Others – Murder - 42 day trial, acquitted of murder convicted of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, led by KC;
R v LP - Branding a baby with an iron ‘torture' allegations, 7 day trial, led by KC;
R v CD - Single punch manslaughter trial, 14 year old Defendant;
R v JM - Attempted murder 10 day trial, acquitted but convicted of section 18.
R v JS - Historic LCN DNA ‘cold case review' rape and section 18 upon a 45 year old cerebral palsy sufferer, ½ inch deep and 3 inch long smooth incised wound caused by an implement or weapon, internally. Complainant almost bled to death. Successfully appealed the 16 year sentence, reduced to 9 years by the Court of Appeal;
R v FH – 18 year old accused of raping his 17 year old cousin over family stay-overs whilst both were 11 – 13 years old, 10 day trial;
R v PS - 8,129 indecent images of children, levels 1 - 5, successful ‘half-time' submission concerning flawed computer evidence;
R v SB - 44,000 indecent images of children, levels 1 - 5, 5000 at level 5, some distribution, suspended sentence.
R v JA & Others - Encrochat Class A conspiracy trial - fixed 02.05.23 (4-6 week estimate);
R v OA & 14 Others - 3rd defendant - £4.65 million pound conspiracy to steal to order and re-identify high value cars trial fixed for 2 months;
R v T & 5 Others - Flying Squad trial, conspiracy to ‘Tiger Kidnap' a Securicor employee and family to secure £1.5 - 2 million pounds from a ‘bullion' van, fixed for 6 weeks, led Junior;
R v KW & 2 Others – Conspiracy to sell ‘untraceable guns’ to the criminal underworld. (News Link)
R v DR & JB – Possession of firearm with intent to endanger life (Police officer shot at in the line of duty) – 12 day trial;
R v DS & 2 others – Samurai sword attempted murder - Central Criminal Court - 13 day trial (Leading Junior);
R v AW –15 day attempted murder trial - Central Criminal Court – 17 year old defendant represented by Brendan Kelly KC – anonymous witness evidence, 13 year sentence; appeal against conviction successfully resisted before the full Court of Appeal (Leading Junior) [ 2011 ] EWCA Crim 1386
R v AS & 5 others - Torture kidnap trial, 5 convicted (Leading Junior) (News Link);
R v JL – Prosecuting defendant represented by Orlando Pownall KC who was privately Instructed for trial on Section 20 allegation where complainant suffered significant brain injury and still requires 24 hour nursing care;
R v M & 5 others (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – Leading Junior – Section 18. Revenge attack with 6 stab wounds and complainant in intensive care for 4 days. Guilty pleas;
R v E, T & O – Conspiracy to possess £250,000 of cocaine with intent to supply, following importation concealed in wooden bird statues, 2 week trial; appeal against conviction successfully resisted before the full Court of Appeal;
R v H & 5 others – 6 defendant conspiracy to possess firearms, ammunition and silencers with intent to enable others to endanger life (principal defendant 14 years imprisonment) 6 weeks trial, (Leading Junior);
R v C & 9 others – Conspiracy to ‘bait’ kidnap, trial and 4 re-trials over 100 trial days, 1 Defendant pleaded guilty, 6 Defendants convicted, 2 acquitted by majority, over 43 years imprisonment imposed (Leading Junior);
R v PC & 5 others – 45 day conspiracy to possess firearms with intent to enable others to endanger life, sentences of 14 and 9 years imprisonment (Leading Junior);
R v G & 5 others – 15 day conspiracy to import cocaine trial (Leading Junior; Complex Casework Division);
R v T & 5 others – Revenge Kidnap. Guilty pleas (Leading Junior);
R v – ZM, TC & MH - Conspiracy to handle £500,000 stolen goods – car ringing - (Leading Junior, Complex Casework Division);
R v DM & two others - Conspiracy to supply 16 metric tonnes of cocaine, and being concerned in the supply of cocaine, 4 weeks trial; two convictions with 20 year and 10 years imprisonment (Leading Junior);
R v RB & 9 others – 2 month 10 defendant each with 2 counsel trial re conspiracy to convey prohibited items into HMP Lewes – 2 prison officers, inmates and their relatives; 8 convicted, one acquitted, ‘one hung jury’; two pleaded; (Leading Junior). (News Link)
R v B & P – Modern slavery proceedings, guilty pleas. (News Link)
R v CJ & 9 others – Conspiracy to commit section 18 grievous bodily harm 6 week trial, 9 young defendants 15 – 20 years old featuring to Gang Diss Drill music videos (Leading Junior).
R v KK & Others – Leading for KK x92 day 20,000 + page money laundering and Class A drugs supply trial at Southwark Crown Court 21.8.23 – 17.2.24;
R v AM & 5 Others – 55 day £120 million Money Service Business/Bureau De Change fraud trial. Leading Junior;
R v KN & 3 Others – 2 month £1 million Access to Work Fraud DWP trial of deaf foreign national, BSL user. BSL interpreter throughout with some witnesses with additional ‘relay’ interpreters. Leading Junior. Acquitted;
R v KS & 4 Others - £10 million fraud, 6 week trial.
R v JS - Historic LCN DNA ‘cold case review' rape and section 18 upon a 45 year old cerebral palsy sufferer, ½ inch deep and 3 inch long smooth incised wound caused by an implement or weapon, internally. Complainant almost bled to death. Successfully appealed the 16 year sentence, reduced to 9 years by the Court of Appeal;
R v FH – 18 year old accused of raping his 17 year old cousin over family stay-overs whilst both were 11 – 13 years old, 10 day trial;
R v PS - 8,129 indecent images of children, levels 1 - 5, successful ‘half-time' submission concerning flawed computer evidence;
R v SB - 44,000 indecent images of children, levels 1 - 5, 5000 at level 5, some distribution, suspended sentence.
R v DR & JB – Possession of firearm with intent to endanger life (Police officer shot at in the line of duty) – 12 day trial;
R v DS & 2 others – Samurai sword attempted murder - Central Criminal Court - 13 day trial (Leading Junior);
R v AW –15 day attempted murder trial - Central Criminal Court – 17 year old defendant represented by Brendan Kelly KC – anonymous witness evidence, 13 year sentence; appeal against conviction successfully resisted before the full Court of Appeal (Leading Junior) [ 2011 ] EWCA Crim 1386
R v AS & 5 others - Torture kidnap trial, 5 convicted (Leading Junior) (News Link);
R v JL – Prosecuting defendant represented by Orlando Pownall KC who was privately Instructed for trial on Section 20 allegation where complainant suffered significant brain injury and still requires 24 hour nursing care;
R v M & 5 others (Snaresbrook Crown Court) – Leading Junior – Section 18. Revenge attack with 6 stab wounds and complainant in intensive care for 4 days. Guilty pleas;
R v JW – Rape – Defendant received life imprisonment;
R v M&M – Historic allegations re husband and wife ‘house of horrors’ interfamilial abuse featuring profoundly complicated disclosure issues arising from historic nature of the allegations, prior family High Court proceedings and extensive social service records (Led by KC);
R v SS – Foreign national defendant (F) abroad cyber-groomed a 14 year old school girl here in London and then committed various sexual assaults upon her when visiting;
R v Issa SEED [2024] EWCA Crim 650;
R v Sheikh DIBBA [2023] EWCA Crim 576;
R v Basky CAPITAO [ 2022 ] EWCA Crim 893;
R v Sarkhel AFRISIB [ 2016 ] EWCA Crim 2123;
R v Mohammed Omar RAFIK [ 2014 ] EWCA Crim 2544 & Crim. L.R. 2015, 3, 235-237;
R v James LEE [ 2014 ] EWCA Crim 2928; & final judgement 20th May 2015:
R v Wajid BOSTAN [2012] EWCA Crim 562;
R v AW [2011] EWCA Crim 1386;
R v William Paul BOYLE [2011] EWCA Crim 1930;
R v Joseph Moran [ 2011 ] Crim 2424;
R v Christopher THOMAS [ 2011 ] EWCA Crim 2574;
R v Thomas John C [2010] EWCA Crim 1871;
R v S [2010] EWCA Crim 750;
R v Timothy MYLES [2010] EWCA Crim 2859;
R v Yeimer RINCON [2009] EWCA Crim 2037;
R v Craig HAMILTON [2008] EWCA Crim 2578;
R v Tony TYGANO and Frank EMMAN [2008] EWCA Crim 2545;
R v Michael Anthony STAVROU [2007] EWCA Crim 1982;
R v Robert NAIDOO [2007] EWCA Crim 1916 (AG’s Reference Nos. 41 & 42 of 2007);
R v Alan Ernest HOUGH [2007] EWCA Crim 1659;
R v Bashir MAKEID [2007] EWCA Crim 792;
R v Nicholas MARQUEZ-ARNEDO [2006] EWCA Crim 1988;
R v Gary Mark WRIGHT [2005] EWCA Crim 893;
R v Manjeet Singh KHALSA [2003] EWCA 2888;
R v Michael BRYANT [2003] EWCA Crim 520.