Coronavirus Frauds.
Many new frauds have evolved over the Pandemic, as we continue to become more reliant on technology for banking, alerts, and managing many aspects of our lives.
Fraudsters thrive in times of crisis, especially when laws and regulations are rapidly changing and developing in order to respond to unpredictable circumstances.
New frauds are emerging all the time, especially in relation to the government’s support schemes, like the Corona Business Interruption Loans scheme and the Bounce back loan scheme.
Authorities have now started investigating a number of individuals and businesses who applied and were granted loans when it is suspected they were not entitled to, and the courts are now seeing a number of prosecutions coming through. Many of those companies will have acted entirely honestly and made simple, but serious, mistakes due to the constant regulatory changes.
Crucible have several highly skilled and experienced barristers who frequently deal with fraud at every level of seriousness, at courts all across the country. If you are under investigation for a coronavirus-related fraud, or find yourself facing a prosecution, please do not hesitate to contact us.