Money Laundering.
Money laundering is one of the most common forms of financial crime. It describes the process of making assets obtained from criminal activity (usually substantial sums of cash) seem ‘clean’, that is, make it appear that it has been obtained by legitimate means. A common example is where a company falsifies receipts to give the impression that they have taken more money than they actually have, disguising the criminal money as the excess profits, or where an individual uses a ‘front’ company to give the impression of a genuine business where none actually exists.
Crucible’s barristers regularly advise individuals facing allegations of money laundering. Our financial crime team has vast experience defending such cases. Through careful analysis of documentary evidence such as bank statements, working documents such as spreadsheets, invoices, and tax returns, and working alongside appropriate experts, our counsel can assist in building a strong defence and undermining the credibility of the prosecution case.
If you have been contacted by the police in relation to a money laundering matter, or you are concerned about matters involving money laundering, then you should seek legal representation as soon as possible as this offence can carry a heavy prison sentence. Whether funded privately or with legal aid, Crucible’s expert counsel can be of assistance in your hour of need.
A number of Crucible's barristers are able to accept instructions by Direct Access, where appropriate.