Mutual Legal Assistance.
At Crucible our barristers advise on matters in relation to mutual legal assistance. This is where assistance is requested from another state in investigating and/or prosecution criminal offences.
Crucible’s barristers have substantial experience in this area including drafting letters of request to states, and (with the demise of the European Investigation Order) implementing the new ‘regime’ under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.
Advice is also provided to private individuals or companies on pre-charge cooperation with investigating states in order to avoid extradition requests in cross- border cases.
Chambers’ specialism in extradition (both acting for the requesting state and requested person) ideally places us to understand the differentiating legal systems in requesting states. Should an extradition request be made we are able to represent individuals before the UK domestic courts.
- X v Azerbaijan- providing advice to a company manager at a pre-charge stage where he, and his company were being criminally investigated by the Azerbaijani authorities.
- Neil and I’s article on the KBR judgment probably relevant